Author Archives: Greg Howlett

Introducing the Cobblestone Trade Podcast

Last week, we launched our podcast and two episodes are currently available. The first is a summary of my story through a 20-year career in eCommerce and the second is a discussion of SEO. You can listen (and subscribe) here: If you have suggestions for topics for future podcasts, be sure to let us […]

How to Prevent eCommerce Fraud

Over 76% of companies report being victims of some type of fraud. Merchants estimate that 27% of their annual sales are from fraudulent purchases (American Express 2019 Digital Payments Survey). Every time a fraudulent purchase slides by unchecked businesses loose money. Fraudulent payments, phishing, and hacking have the potential to destroy an eCommerce business. We […]

Should I Outsource eCommerce Customer Support?

Why Consider Outsourcing Customer Support? The decision to outsource eCommerce customer support may be the best one you’ll ever make… Nobody on this planet has more than 24 hours of time per day. As the owner of a business, why allocate your most valuable resource (time) to answering phones, responding to emails, and staring at […]

Content Marketing: Content for eCommerce Business

Creating content for your eCommerce business is the best way to generate organic traffic for your website. Why read about creating content for your eCommerce business? Because growing your business takes more than good products at decent prices. Customers are required. But how do you get them? Well, there are a number of ways to […]