I talked last week about the importance of MAP (minimum advertising policy) agreements. The truth is that they are very important; we at Cobblestone Trade really do not want to work with any companies that do not have (and enforce) MAP. On the flip side, like most areas of business, MAP is a legal issue […]
Category Archives: Pricing/Brand Enforcement
If you are a brand owner and are facing the scenario where your products are being discounted online, you probably have a serious problem. Think about market share like a pie. Distributors and retailers all take a slice of the pie; some slices are bigger than others, and we all know that is how it […]
Over the past week, we have added quite a bit of content to the website covering topics related to protecting your brand. Rather than repeating it all here, let me just point you toward the content: https://cobblestonetrade.com/brand-protection/ Topics covered include MAP/discounting, counterfeiting, product diversion, copyright and trademark violations, and distributor misconduct. Hope you find this […]
If you are a brand owner, here is a cold, hard truth: if you do not pay attention to the topic I am about to discuss, your business may very well be doomed. Am I overstating it? I don’t think so. After two decades in the world of ecommerce, I have seen the enormous damage […]
Here is something that is counterintuitive: you don’t need lots of online retailers selling your product. You just need one good one. But wait! Don’t retailers expose your product to more people? Don’t they increase your market share? The short answer is usually no. At least the answer is no in online retail, most of […]
We need to say this up front: Cobblestone Trade only does exclusive retail deals. That means that what you are about to read could easily be interpreted as a very biased sales copy to try to you to partner with us. As it turns out, yes we are biased about this topic, but on the […]